Relations and positions
- My Mein/e
- Your Dein/e
- His Sein/e
- Her Ihr/e
- Their Ihr/e
- Our Unser/e
- Under Unter
- Under the bed Unter dem Bett
- Look under the bed Schau unter dem Bett
- On top of Auf
- It is on top of the shelf Es ist auf dem Regal
- Inside innerhalb
- He is inside Er ist drinnen
- He is inside the building Er ist in dem Gebäude
- She is outside Sie ist draußen
- From Von
- I am from New York Ich komme aus New York
- To Zu/nach
- I am going to Warsaw Ich gehe nach Warschau
The recent post
The Other Posts
- Intimacy
- Getting back together
- Marriage offering
- Breaking up
- Speaking about feelings
- Complements and flirting
- On a date
- Playing cards and other games
- In a club
- At the cinema
- At a birthday party
- At a restaurant / cafe
- Chance encounters
- Talking with a co-worker
- Taking pictures
- At the beach
- Entertainments in a park
- Going shopping
- Going for a walk
- Using public transport