Persons and relations
- This is my Das ist mein/e
- Baby Baby / Säugling
- Child Kind
- Boy Junge
- Girl Mädchen
- Man Mann
- Woman Frau
- Husband Ehemann
- Wife Ehefrau
- Father Vater
- Mother Mutter
- Son Sohn
- Daughter Tochter
- Friend Freund
- Family Familie
- Brother Bruder
- Sister Schwester
- Father in law Schwiegervater
- Mother in law Schwiegermutter
- Grandfather Großvater
- Grandmother Großmutter
- I am his Ich bin sein/e
- I am her Ich bin ihr/e
- Are you his …? Bist du sein/e...?
- Are you her …? Bist du ihr/e …?
- Where is …? Wo ist … ?
- Did you see … ? Hast du … gesehen ?
- aunt Tante
- uncle Onkel
- cousin Cousin/e
The recent post
The Other Posts
- Intimacy
- Getting back together
- Marriage offering
- Breaking up
- Speaking about feelings
- Complements and flirting
- On a date
- Playing cards and other games
- In a club
- At the cinema
- At a birthday party
- At a restaurant / cafe
- Chance encounters
- Talking with a co-worker
- Taking pictures
- At the beach
- Entertainments in a park
- Going shopping
- Going for a walk
- Using public transport