The gender of German nouns – Das Genus der deutschen Substantive
What is the noun?
The noun is used to name a person, a thing or an object: Boy, Letter Chair etc. Nouns always have different genders, so there are 3 genders in German.
- Der Maskulin (Masculine)
- Die Feminin (Feminine)
- Das Neutral (Neuter)
These nouns can be identified by the definite article (die bestimmten Artikeln) These articles are the equivalents of (‘the’ in English) which are different for each gender:
der for masculine nouns Der Mann (the man)
die for female nouns Die Frau (the woman)
das for neuter nouns Das Kind (the child)
- Neuter nouns which are equivalents of ('it' in English) can be masculine, feminine or neuter in German:
Note: All nouns in German always start with a capita
Beispiel (example):
der Stuhl
the chair
das Buch
the book
die Tür
the door
Tip: You should learn the
gender (Der, Das, Die )
when you learn a new noun.
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