The gender of German nouns – Das Genus der deutschen Substantive
What is the noun?
The noun is used to name a person, a thing or an object: Boy,
Chair etc. Nouns always have different genders, so there are 3 genders in German.
Der Maskulin (Masculine)
Die Feminin (Feminine)
Das Neutral (Neuter)
These nouns can be identified by the definite article (die bestimmten Artikeln) These articles are the equivalents of (‘the’ in English) which are different for each gender:
der for masculine nouns Der Mann (the man)
die for female nouns Die Frau (the woman)
das for neuter nouns Das Kind (the child)
Neuter nouns which are equivalents of ('it' in English) can be masculine, feminine or neuter in German:
Note: All nouns in German always start with a capita
Beispiel (example):
der Stuhl
the chair
das Buch
the book
die Tür
the door
Tip: You should learn the
gender (Der, Das, Die )
when you learn a new noun.
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- Nouns and gender
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