- Dog Hund
- cat Katze
- hen Henne
- mouse Maus
- snake Schlange
- spider Spinne
- scorpion Skorpion
- rabbit Hase
- bird Vogel
- cow Kuh
- horse Pferd
- ants Ameisen
- bee Biene
- pigeon Taube
- eagle Adler
- pet Haustier
- pet food Haustierfutter
- are dogs allowed? Sind Hunde erlaubt?
More German!
Auf Deutsch Gesagt!
- Preposition
- Nouns and gender
- Describing things
- Clothes and Colors
- Questions
- Numbers
- Using public transport
- Giving asking direction
- Suggestions
- Statements
- Emergencies
- Shower / wc
- Verbs and instruction
- Chance encounters
- Times
- Intimacy
- Marriage offering
- Getting back together
- Breaking up
- Speaking about feelings