Health and Bodyparts
- Fever Fieber
- Cough Husten
- Diarrhoea Durchfall
- Nausea Übelkeit
- Vomiting Übergeben
- Headache Kopfschmerzen
- Dizziness Schwindel
- Chest pain Brustschmerz
- Abdominal pain Bauchschmerzen
- pain Schmerz
- pill Pille
- fracture Bruch
- I have Ich habe
- My meine/mein
- periods Perioden
- pregnant schwanger
- Hair Haare
- skin Haut
- eyebrow Augenbraue
- eyelash Augenlider
- nose Nase
- ear Ohr
- lip Lippe
- chin Kinn
- forehead Stirn
- temple Schläfe
- eye Auge
- cheek Wange
- nostrill Nasenloch
- mouth Mund
- jaw Kiefer
- shoulder Schulter
- knee Knie
- elbow Ellenbogen
- ankle Knöchel
- thigh Schenkel
- back Rücken
- tooth/teeth Zahn/ Zähne
- tongue Zunge
- hand Hand
- foot Fuß
- leg Bein
- arm Arm
- finger Finger
- toe Zeh
- muscle Muskel
- bone Knochen
- heart Herz
- lung Lunge
- brain Gehirn
- kidney Niere
- joints Gelenke
- palm Handfläche
- chest Brust
- head Kopf
- face Gesicht
More German!
Auf Deutsch Gesagt!
- Preposition
- Nouns and gender
- Describing things
- Clothes and Colors
- Questions
- Numbers
- Using public transport
- Giving asking direction
- Suggestions
- Statements
- Emergencies
- Shower / wc
- Verbs and instruction
- Chance encounters
- Times
- Intimacy
- Marriage offering
- Getting back together
- Breaking up
- Speaking about feelings